Auto & Property
Providing Support To Your In-House SIU Department For Auto & Property Claims:
- Scene Investigation
- Vehicle Inspection
- Recorded Statements
- Accident Reconstruction
- Obtain Agency Reports
Our SIU staff has considerable experience investigating auto theft, auto accidents and routine auto liability, as well as property claims including arson, burglaries, catastrophic losses, or large jewelry losses. We also have considerable expertise with local organized fraud rings, including: body shop rings, staged auto accident rings, medical providers, cappers, etc. We can perform the field work that your SIU Department may not have the resources to, for geographical reasons, or due to time constraints. We not only have staff trained in the aforementioned areas of investigation, but we have well-established contacts throughout law enforcement, the NICB, Department of Insurance, and the District Attorney’s offices. We have the resources to assign the best-suited investigator to your cases based on their experience in that particular line of business. Our investigative staff consists of long-term, full-time employees; we do not sub-contract our work.
We provide experienced investigators to assist in your auto and property investigations, whether the claims are routine or suspicious. We have investigators who are trained in conducting Examinations Under Oath and are equipped to represent your company in court.